This article examines the 12 things that mature when DON't do! I find it very interesting that someone can categorize what mature man should and shouldn't do but this is an editorial piece and therefore it is completely personal opinion. While reading the 12 steps to becoming a mature man I realized the perception of the writer was very sure that these were the answers to creating the mature man. Articles like these make you feel like you are supposed to be meeting a certain standard and if you don't, in this case you are not a "mature" man. After further deliberation of the article I found the author at the bottom, Amy McDonnell. These 12 characteristic she listed are quick glance into the authors perception. This is McDonnell's version of what she thinks a mature man shouldn't be doing.
I will admit I did agree with a few of the items she listed but it felt like a check list for myself and others to judge a man if he meets the standards of a mature man. The list also feel like it is embedded in the hegemonic socionormative society we live in, in short, gendered roles. For example item 6 says "They (mature men) don't run away from difficult situations" and in the text below it says "Mature men will fight head on". This is furthering the idea that men need to be tough and in a way deal with any problems with physical aggression. This is ironic consider item 5 says "mature" men don't get angry and should use words to solve conflict... huh. These list of traits are very representative of what the author believes is the mature man, and I wouldn't stand by these as the cornerstone to becoming a mature man.
There are many things that we could add to this list but what I think is most important is that a man can make his own decision to figure out what makes him a responsible human being. There are definitely things to take away from this article including putting family and significant other first, working on not being angry (and fulfilling that stereotype), and being responsible enough to not get crazy every night. From reading this article I can say that there are definitely some good tips to think about but I don't think I need to adhere to a set of guideline to prove to myself that I am a mature man.
The article is an ideal that one person has of men, and how they view what a mature man shouldn't do, I believe ideals and lists like these put men into categories that can be hard to break away from because everyone is expecting of them to fit this mold. It is important to remember that you don't have to fit the cookie cutter idea of society and you can make the choices you want, even if they are considered "unmanly". Speaking to "A man" by Alanis Morissette don't put pressures on us we don't need if we are trying to better ourselves and break free from the societal norms that are engraved into everyone of us.
I will admit I did agree with a few of the items she listed but it felt like a check list for myself and others to judge a man if he meets the standards of a mature man. The list also feel like it is embedded in the hegemonic socionormative society we live in, in short, gendered roles. For example item 6 says "They (mature men) don't run away from difficult situations" and in the text below it says "Mature men will fight head on". This is furthering the idea that men need to be tough and in a way deal with any problems with physical aggression. This is ironic consider item 5 says "mature" men don't get angry and should use words to solve conflict... huh. These list of traits are very representative of what the author believes is the mature man, and I wouldn't stand by these as the cornerstone to becoming a mature man.
There are many things that we could add to this list but what I think is most important is that a man can make his own decision to figure out what makes him a responsible human being. There are definitely things to take away from this article including putting family and significant other first, working on not being angry (and fulfilling that stereotype), and being responsible enough to not get crazy every night. From reading this article I can say that there are definitely some good tips to think about but I don't think I need to adhere to a set of guideline to prove to myself that I am a mature man.
The article is an ideal that one person has of men, and how they view what a mature man shouldn't do, I believe ideals and lists like these put men into categories that can be hard to break away from because everyone is expecting of them to fit this mold. It is important to remember that you don't have to fit the cookie cutter idea of society and you can make the choices you want, even if they are considered "unmanly". Speaking to "A man" by Alanis Morissette don't put pressures on us we don't need if we are trying to better ourselves and break free from the societal norms that are engraved into everyone of us.
Suggested Reading:
Suggested Music:
Simon and Garfunkel--> I am a Rock
Simon and Garfunkel--> I am a Rock
Suggested to watch:
How to become a man in different cultures!