Chapter 3 was focused on understanding our selves, how we see ourselves or how we would like to be percieved. It was interesting to see the amount of time we spend trying to mold ourselves into an image that could be far from our true selves. This chapter further explores how we change our self based on situations or display different identities depending on what role we are trying to play. It can be hard to understand who you truly are because there are so many social expectations for us to follow. We end up relying on reflected appraisal, social comparison, and reference groups to really understand who we are and hopefully represent a self we can be honest and proud of.
The content of this chapter was awesome and I had a lot to think about while reading it, but the part that stood out for me was the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. I have heard of the concept before, but I never thought of a "prophecy" coming from another person and the direct affect it can have on you. Encouragement is great tool and it really helps to boost your confidence and self-esteem in any situation. I realized though, that there are people in my life who have believed in me and given me the expectation to achieve, and in the end this prophecy was fulfilled.
If I ever feel anxious, stressed, or worried I usually discuss it with my girlfriend (Michaela) who I live with and she is able to help me out and communicate the expectation that I can do it! During this first week of school I was trying to get into a class I was waitlisted for, but the professor was not helping me in the way I had hoped. I talked with Michaela about how I worried about graduating, and having to change financial aid, etc. She calmly told me that she believed I have the ability to work through this issue, and know that I will figure it out because I am smart and confident and if I really want to, I can get into that class.
I only looked at this as encouragement, but I now understand this as a self-fulfilling prophecy. She communicated the belief and expectation, and I gave myself that expectation to be able to achieve this goal. Luckily, this prophecy did come true and I was able to get an override in to the course. The power of positive influence is an incredible thing and I will be more aware how others have the ability to affect my life.
- Morgan Beaumeir
I love your story on self-fulfilling prophecy. It is great that you got into that class. Friends can help direct our self-esteem in positive directions. This is a great reminder because I want to always encourage my close friends when they are dealing with tough situations. Thank you for thoughtful and insightful blog!